Solata Tek - Ycenter Impactathon

I particpated in the first Impactathon hosted by Ycenter held in Benjamin's Desk, Philadelphia, PA. The mission was to create something new and useful to tackle problems faced by residents of countries in Africa. The following website provides details about the hackathon.
One of the major problems residents in Africa have is the lack of proper sources of power to charge their mobile phones. It is a fact that mobile phones in Africa are used to pay varying kinds of bills using M-Pesa Mobile Banking with over 70% of the popuation using this to pay for rent, groceries and such.
Further articles pertaining to the second place award and the poject in general can be seen at the link below:

The charger kit reduces costs of mobile charging from around $91 to $4! This is a more than 20 times reduction in cost!